
Creativity as Practice

Creativity is a skill that is honed by applying creative thinking processes, learning techniques to improve flexibility and originality in thinking. Students will be introduced to methods and practices that enable them to nurture their creative instincts. This course will learn to approach obstacles as opportunities that drive and sustain innovation, creating futures that would not be there without their creative insight.

Art of Screenwriting

This course focuses on the art of storytelling, exploring the structure of compelling stories. Students will explore examples from film, literature, art, graphic novels, podcasts, television, politics, news, and advertising. Students will complete a series written and oral assignments. The final project is a storytelling project in a medium of the students choosing.

Visual Storytelling

Students will compose visual stories using film or photography. The course explores conventional and unconventional tools, concepts, and methods of visual stories with an emphasis on digital production and post-production using accessible and free editing tools. The course will explore narrative, documentary, journalistic, and experimental genres. Through screenings, technical workshops, readings, and discussions students will develop skillset to create their own distinctive visual compositions.